February 24, 2010

New Flash Game Shuriken Showdown is Released!

A puzzle/skill game fit only for the humble and pure hearted. Give it a go and let us know what you think. You can play it at DyadGames.com. Enjoy!

January 30, 2010

Shuriken Showdown Flash Game Coming Soon

Hey everyone, we apologize that there hasn't been many comics lately. We have taken some time off to create a flash game that is set to be released within the next couple of weeks. The title of the game is Shuriken showdown. It's a game of skill where you have to burst targets with your stars of steel in order to complete each level. Here's a screen shot of the game. Get Excited!

January 4, 2010

Starving Joseph: Caught Off Course

Well, we figured we'd welcome the new year with a new comic called "Starving Joseph". It all begins in the year 2183. An alien by the name of Joseph must begin his new life on earth after a severe crash landing leaving him with only an empty crate of consumables. Throughout his journey he will meet inhabitants who have somehow survived the apocalypse. This is his story.